Save the date! Spring Fling 2025 - May 3, 2025


Save the date! Spring Fling 2025 - May 3, 2025 〰️


Slide Ranch is always open to the public from 8am till sunset. No fees required, though donations to support our mission are welcome.

Come and explore our beautiful trails and coastline.
Sign up for our newsletter, volunteer with us, and join us for one of our family programs and camps!

  • Visit

    Slide Ranch is a unique outdoor education facility located on the Marin coast, on land that has a rich history in connecting people to food. Visitors are invited to explore the grounds. We encourage every visitor to Slide Ranch to gain a deeper understanding and connection to our food systems. We offer single-day and overnight field trip programs, weekend family and community member programs. workshops, camps, on-site camping and more.

    NEW docent led art & poetry in our garden on Monday mornings! See details here!

  • Get Involved

    Since 1970, Slide Ranch's mission has been to immerse all children in nature so that they can become leaders of change in our world. To successfully carry out our mission and ensure everyone that would like to experience Slide Ranch can do so, we need your support!

    Consider supporting Slide Ranch with a generous, volunteering your time, becoming a member, signing up for our e-newsletter/blog, or applying for an open position.

  • About Us

    Slide Ranch is a non-profit organization with the mission to connect people of all ages to nature. We are also a community of residential and non-residential staff, and seasonal and perennial staff. Slide Ranch is a non-profit organization that works to connect children to nature and create the next generation of environmental stewards by providing environmental education in farming, wilderness exploration, and appreciating nature and the sources of our food. Click the link below to learn more about our mission, values, and our team.

    Stay up to date on everything Slide Ranch with our Slide Ranch Thymes Blog.

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